Change the current terminal directory to the project root:
cd path/to/project
Then run tasks with npm
, for example:
npm run dev
Available tasks:
Task | Purpose |
dev | Starts the development server with file watching and auto reload. |
build | Builds production-ready files (output to dist ). |
docs | Export for static file servers (output to static ). |
inspect | Print the webpack configuration to the console. |
lint:css | Lints CSS with stylelint. |
lint:js | Lints JavaScript with ESLint. |
About tasks
Tasks are pre-defined package.json
scripts for the corresponding pangolin-core
JavaScript files are bundled with webpack and transpiled with Babel and the env preset. To learn more about JavaScript Modules (also known as ES Modules or ESM) head over to the MDN articles for the import
and export
ESLint is pre-configured with the JavaScript Standard Style. Global ESLint rules are set in .eslintrc.cjs
. Per-file rules can be set with comments (e.g. // eslint-disable no-console
). Exclude files from linting with an .eslintignore
configuration file.
Sass is a CSS preprocessor supporting variables, nesting and mixins – among many other features. For a quick start jump to the Sass Basics.
PostCSS is a CSS postprocessor. It is similar to Sass but runs after the CSS has been bundled. With the env preset PostCSS can be used like Babel but for CSS.
stylelint monitors the code for errors and consistency deviations defaulting to the Sass Guidelines with a few additions. Global stylelint rules are set in stylelint.config.cjs
. Per-file rules can be set with comments (e.g. /* stylelint-disable selector-max-id */
). Exclude CSS files from linting with a .stylelintignore
configuration file.
Nunjucks is an HTML templating engine based on JavaScript. Pangolin.js uses Fractal to create static HTML from Nunjucks files. Take a look at the templating docs for further information on Nunjucks.
The dev
task serves the web UI with a built-in web server. The build
task generates HTML for static file servers.